Serena Jezior


Chief Operating Officer

Serena joined the ProScopeo team in May 2022. In her role as Chief Operating Officer, she oversees ProScopeo’s client portfolio and matters pertaining to business operations.

Serena brings a breadth of experience, having spent the previous decade working at the intersection of nonprofits and government. She has led her own successful consulting firm, secured and managed federal grants and programming, advised nonprofit executives on organizational strategy, organized fundraising initiatives, led national advocacy campaigns, and served as a trusted friend and colleague to many.

The common denominator between all of Serena’s experience is the pursuit of one primary goal: to leave the world better than we inherited it. She has worked across the private, government, and charitable sectors and deeply values working with like-minded people who are passionate about making a positive impact.

Ask me about… ProScopeo’s federal or corporate services, business development opportunities, partnerships, community engagement, the Ohio State Buckeyes, my sneaker collection.